Thursday, November 20, 2008

Football is over and a new direction is beginning

Last weekend was my last football game that I will ever play competitively.  My body barely survived the season as on the 2nd to last play of the game I went down from a kidney blow and had to be helped off the field.  I am a little sad that is over, but I'm happy about going out on a win.

With having an extra 35 hours a week from no football, I am planning on putting about 20-25 hours into poker weekly.  I think only about 10-15 of those hours will be actually playing.  The rest will be studying because I think I am right on the brink of a break through in my game.  Also, I am teaching a "General Poker Theory" class next semester and am determined to make it as good as possible, meaning I need to do a lot of studying myself.

School is winding down and I think I have a shot of having my best semester of my college career.  I think that I might be able to pull out 3 A's and the rest be B's, but to have that happen I need to put my nose to the grind stone and do well on the last couple of assignments of the year.  I will try and have my blog be updated more often since I have extra time now.  

Happy Holidays